01 August 2010

Shared visions 2

The purpose of Shared Visions is to enrich learning environment and teaching methods, improve professional skills of photography and dance fields with international study trips and student and teacher exchange.
Our curricula emphasize the importance of international readiness as a part of professional development and study trips are integrated in our normal activity.

Keski-Pohjanmaan kulttuuriopisto as co-ordinating organisation together with Vilnius Vocational Training Centre for Service Business Specialists in Lithuania, Follo Folkhøgskole in Norway and Tallinna Polütehnikum in Estonia.


Funding and budget
Shared visions is funded by Nordplus Adult.
Nordplus is the Nordic Council of Ministers' most important programme in the area of lifelong learning. Total budget of the project is 27 815€. Project period is 1.8.2010 – 31.7.2011


Autumn 2010
Photography students and teachers from Vilnius to Kälviä.
 · Lithuanian students and teachers get to know Finnish culture, local
    history and life style: visits to local cultural, historical and nature places.

 · Lithuanian students and teachers take part in lessons: nature  and
    milieu photography, studio working and multi-media tasks.

 · Lithuanian students have an exhibition.
 · Finnish and Lithuanian students and teachers prepare a common
    multi-media presentation.
Dance students and teachers from Vestby to Kälviä
· Norwegian students and teachers get to know Finnish culture, local
   history and life style: visits to local cultural, historical and nature places.
·  Norwegian students take part in dance lessons and have a performance.
·  Norwegian teachers give lessons.
· Norwegian and Finnish students have a common public performance.
Dance or photography teacher from Kälviä to Copenhagen
·  Finnish teacher gets to know Danish educational system, culture and
    lifestyle and finds new contacts for future co-operation.

Spring 2011
Photography students and teachers from Kälviä and photography
teacher from Copenhagen to Vilnius
· Finnish students and teachers get to know Lithuanian culture, local history
   and life style.
·  Finnish students and teachers learn document photography.
·  Finnish and Lithuanian students have workshops and prepare a common
    exhibition on theme “Citizen of Earth”.

Dance students and teachers from Kälviä to Vestby
·  Finnish students and teachers get to know Norwegian culture, local
    history and life style: visits to local cultural and historical places.
· Finnish students take part in dance lessons and have a performance.
· Finnish teachers give lessons.
Dance teacher from Tallinn to Kälviä
·  Estonian students and teacher gets to know Finnish educational system, culture and
    life style and take part in lessons.
 · Lithuanian students have an exhibition.

For more information:
Keski-Pohjanmaan kulttuuriopisto/
Central Ostrobothnia Culture Institute
Minna Poutanen
Adult Education Administrator
Project Co-ordinator
Opistontie 1, 68300 Kälviä
puh. +358 44 7250 701